Minggu, 26 April 2009

Wah".. Aku udah lamaaa banget ninggalin ini blog yah?? Hehe.
Banyak nih hal" yang udah terjadi. hehe
kmarin (Minggu) baru pulang dari Puncak nih. hehe.
Di Puncak itu kita anak" BC,, ngadain ret" Paskah. Rasanya senang dh walaupun cape banget. hehe
wah udah mau tutor fisika nih dgn P.Ferdi (SMAK I).. hehe. yaudah dulu dh... ^^

Jumat, 10 April 2009

4 days without school.. What should I do??

4 days without school sure is very boring.. Even though,, there are many things we I can do in my house after a long time I wasn't at home. ^^

My sisters sure are missing me this days. hehe.

After playing for some days,, I realized that I have a lot of homeworks!!!

I think it's the time to do my homeworks.. hehe.

For info, OSK (Olympiade Sains Tingkat Kabupaten) is getting nearer. For my friends that are competing this OSK, do the best for GOD. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.. ^^


Selasa, 07 April 2009

A Lot of Changes..

These days are great days. I don't know exactly why but I think there are many changes in my dorm at Brilliant Class.. (positive changes of course).
And I feel very happy. Even there are some friends are having problems in their life. I don't know why but I think they'll finish their problems very well.
For my friends who'll compete in OSN, do your best for GOD. I believe you can. ^^
GOD Bless You all

Rabu, 01 April 2009

hari-hari penuh hujann.. ^^

huahh.... benar" hari" yg ajaib.. haha.
minggu" ini hujan trus.. tiap hari jadi khujanan dh. hehe.
Teman" BC atopun yg di luar BC dimanapun kalian berada.. ^^
Tetap jaga kesehatan yah.. hehe.
Dan tetap jangan lupa bersyukur kepada Tuhan dalam segala keadaan. ^^
GBU all